Sunday, 1 December 2024
12:00 Noon to 3.00 pm
Carina Leagues Club
1390 Creek Road, Carina
Come and join your fellow Club Members
for a Buffet Lunch consisting of
2 roasts, 2 hot dishes, 2 sides
and 2 desserts
Subsidised Price $60 per person
Cash Bar
Registration and prior payment
is essential.
Method of Payment for this event
DIRECT CREDIT into the Club's Bank Account:
Bank: Suncorp
BSB: 484 799
Account Number: 2000 09415
Reference: Surname | Membership Number | Description.
Example: Citizen 9999 Christmas Lunch
For more information, contact: Carolina Gante - Events@mbcq.com.au
+61 437 478 837