Instead of the Monthly Meeting, that is normally held on the first Wednesday of the month, for June, the Monthly Meeting is being combined with the
Cars and Coffee
at Mercedes-Benz Brisbane
on Saturday 8 June 2024 - 8:00 am

194 Breakfast Creek Road, Newstead.
Mercedes-Benz Brisbane have offered the use of their fabulous undercover "Arrival Hall" that occupies nearly all of the first floor of their Lifestyle Precinct.
No rain, no wind, no grass, no hot sun, Air-Conditioned!!!
These Cars and Coffee mornings are super popular. Take the opportunity to put your car on display in luxury and enjoy a barista coffee from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. A brief Club monthly meeting will be held during that time and the MBB sales team will present some of the features of the latest model - the Mercedes-Benz CLE.
Thereafter, Members are welcome to pay a visit to the fourth floor or the AMG showroom to inspect the display of other new models.
We thank Ken Got, Clare Barker, and their team for giving up their Saturday morning to allow us to get together.
Register / RSVP Required : 3 methods, Deadline 6 June 2024
1. “Preferred” Click on REGISTER button on the left.
2. SMS:Carolina 0437 478 837......Ref: Surname, No. of people, C & C
3. Email;….Ref: Surname, No. of people, C & C