Run to the Woodford Garden Bistro
Sunday 7 April 2024
76/81 Archer Street Woodford

The Woodford Village Hotel has caught my eye on a number of occasions when, after meeting up at Woodford, we have departed for other destinations. I thought therefore that it was time that we paid it a visit.
We will meetup near Apex Park, off Stringfellow Road in Centenary Lakes Park, Caboolture at 11:00 AM for a 11:30 AM departure for the run to Woodford.

Due to the difficulty of turning right off Morayfield Road (if you take the Caboolture\Kilcoy\Bribie Island Exit from the Bruce Highway) it is recommended that you continue along King Street and turn left into Riverview Street and then take the second left into Stringfellow Road.
To avoid the traffic on Morayfield Road and on through the commercial area on King Street, we will depart from our meeting place and follow Stringfellow Road through the park and turn right onto Riverview Street and then left onto King Street, which we will follow to the intersection with D’Aguilar Highway, turning left and then following the road to Woodford.

As the Archer Street Service Road, on which the Woodford Garden Bistro is located is one way in the direction opposite to that in which we will be travelling, it is necessary to continue to the next turn-in and then park either in the angle parking area in front of the Bistro or in the car park of the adjacent shopping centre.

The raised area in the background of the following image will be reserved for our group.

Members will order and pay for their own lunch from the menu.
To Register Online, click on the Registration button on the left.
Note: When registering your guest, an email address is NOT required.
Registration is essential and must be made by 3 April 2024.
For more information, contact:
Doug Robbins
0417 714 723