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  • Christmas in July Run to Boonah - Overnight - July 23 and 24

Christmas in July Run to Boonah - Overnight - July 23 and 24

  • 23 Jul 2024
  • 10:00 AM (AEST)
  • 25 Jul 2024
  • 10:00 AM (AEST)
  • Boonah
  • 3


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Santa Johnston's Christmas in July

23 July to 25 July 2024

Staying two nights at the Boonah Valley Motel

Day One - 23 July

If coming from the Gold Coast, meet and greet at Arthur Earle Park, Nerang at 9 am for 9:30 am Departure.

On departure from the Park, turn Right and then Left at the second set of lights into Price Street.  Turn Right at the next lights for Route 90 Canungra Beaudesert Warwick sign.  Drive for approximately 38 km to Tee intersection and turn Left onto Beaudesert-Beenleigh Road.  On entering Beaudesert, veer Left after the Showgrounds and at the Tee intersection, turn Left and then take the first right into McKee Street.  Cross Spring Creek bridge and the turn right into the southern entrance to Jubilee Park.

If coming from Brisbane, Members may choose to drive directly to Jubilee Park, planning to arrive by 10:30 am.

BYO morning tea at Jubilee Park, where all comfort amenities are available.

On leaving Jubilee Park at 11:30 am after morning tea, turn Right and then at the Tee intersection, turn left, then Right into Bromelton Street Boonah Warwick Route 90.  Travel approximately 33 km to Tee intersection, then turn Right onto Route 93 - Ipswich Boonah Road.  Drive approximately 4 km and turn Left into Roadvale Road.  Travel 12 km to Tee intersection, then turn Right and continue to Kalbar for lunch stop at Lovett at Kalbar Cafe.

After Lunch, turn Left onto Kalbar Connection Road.  Then travel to Tee intersection turning Left onto Route 90 - Boonah Gold Coast Road.  Drive 8 km to Roundabout, taking the second exit and then drive 3 km to the Boonah Valley Motel on the Right.

Meet at 5:30 at the BBQ for pre-dinner drinks, followed by a BBQ Dinner.  Cost of the Dinner will be split between those attending.

End of Day One

Day Two - 24 July

Depart from the Boonah Valley Motel at 9:45 am, with BYO morning tea.

Leaving the Motel, turn Left towardss Boonah to the Roundabout, taking the third exit onto Mt Carmel Road. Drive to the top of the hill to the Lookout for a 20 minute photo stop.

Drive back to the Roundabout, taking the 3rd exit towards Warwick.  Turn Left at the Tee intersection with the Cunningham Highway and drive to Aratula Main Street to stop and regroup.  You may want to collect something from Arthur Clive's Bakery for morning tea at our next stop.

Then, drive a short distance and turn Left to Lake Moogerah. Turn Right at the Tee intersection, then drive 3 km, turning Right at Haigh Park, Lake Moogerah.  Follow the road 3 km around the lake, parking near the picnic shelters, where we will stop for 30 to 40 minutes for morning tea.

Return to main road. Turn right at T intersection ( Lake Moogerah Rd which joins up to Mt. Alford Rd. Drive towards Mt. Alford. Veer left into Reckumpilla Street then onto Mount Alford Rd. Stay on road until you turn left onto Boonah Rathdowney Rd.  Stay on the road until you come to Dugandan Hotel on the Left and turn Left into Mount French Road.  Drive to the Tee intersection, turning Left and then drive 12 km through the National Park.  Park in the Car Park at the top of the mountain and walk about 360 meters, along an excellent level path with no steep gradients, to the Lookout.

Return to the Tee intesection at the Dugandan Hotel, turning Left to Boonah.  Break for lunch and shopping (your choice), thereafter, returning to the Boonah Valley Motel, meeting at the BBQ for BYO pre-dinner drinks.  Then proceed to the restaurant at 6:30 pm to Celebrate Christmas in July over Dinner.

End of Day 2

Day 3

At 9:30, depart for home, stopping for Coffee at Canungra.  Restaurant beside the park, flying Blue Merlo Coffee flag.  It is really close to an excellent shoe shop (Ask liz).

Things to Take

Walking shoes
BYO morning tea for two breaks
BYO Drinks
Insect repellent.

The Nitty Gritty

12 rooms have been reserved at the Boonah Valley Motel at a cost of $360 per room for the two nights.  Members need to book directly with the Motel - 07 5463 4738, informing that they belong to the Mercedes-Benz Club group for whom the reservations have been made.

For lunch on the first day at the Lovett at Kalbar Cafe, Members will order from the menu and pay for their own meals.

For the BBQ on the first night, the cost will be divided by the number of guests, with each guest paying their share.

The cost of the Christmas in July Celebration will depend upon the meals that are ordered as there is no set menu at this stage.  Members will be advised if that changes.

For more information, contact Peter Johnston

Mobile: +61 417 769 680

07 5463 4738

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Mercedes-Benz Club of Queensland Inc.  |  ABN 28 385 830 513  |  PO Box 362, Spring Hill, QLD 4004

The MBCQ is officially affiliated with the Mercedes-Benz Classic Car Clubs International, a division of 
Mercedes-Benz Classic, Mercedes-Benz Group AG, Stuttgart Germany.

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