Starting from Tugun Park, 414 Coolangatta Rd, Tugun, beside the Tugun Village Community Centre
Meet at 8:45am for 9:15 departure

This month’s run takes us into the Tweed Valley, where our first stop is the Tweed Regional Gallery and Margaret Olley Art Centre.

Entry to the gallery is free. Morning Tea can be purchased at the Café while enjoying the sensational views.
We then drive to the quaint little town of Uki nearby for Lunch at the Mt Warning Hotel.

Driving Instructions

Exit the car park and turn Right into Coolangatta Rd. At Kirribin St Give Way sign, Left turn to Traffic Lights.
Right turn at Traffic Lights onto Gold Coast Hwy and go past Airport, move into lane 2nd from Left.
Continue on Coolangatta Rd through intersection to next set of Traffic Lights.
Right turn into Miles St and follow road up and over hill. At bottom of hill, Left turn into Mugga Way.
Left turn at cross intersection into Norman St.
Left turn at T intersection into Kennedy Drive.
Follow signs to Tweed Hds South/ Banora Pt and go under bridge and up onto Minjungbal Drive.
Cross Tweed River Bridge and move to Right Lane.
1st set of Traffic Lights Right turn into Dry Dock Rd, continue beside the river.
At Colonial Tweed Holiday Pk, road becomes Fraser Rd, continue around sharp 90 degree bend and continue past new housing estate on right.
1st roundabout take 2nd exit, stay on Fraser Drive. Go straight through traffic lights at Banora Central Shopping Centre.
2nd roundabout take 1st exit.
3rd roundabout take 2nd exit onto Terranora Road.
Almost at top of the hill, there is a hedged manicured garden on your left, good area to pull over for a scenic picture.
Continue through the suburb of Terranora and beware as fixed camera is waiting to take your picture.
Some great views start to appear of Mt Warning to the left.
Continue down the hill and over bridge. Left turn into Riverside Drive for a short distance.
Right turn at intersection onto Tweed Valley Way (TVW) towards Murwillumbah for approx 10kms.
Follow TVW with the Tweed River on your right and Mt Warning straight ahead, go past Condong Bowling Club.
Enter Murwillumbah Township. Stay on TVW.
1st roundabout take 2nd exit.
2nd roundabout take 1st exit and go past Guineas Farm Fruit and Vegetable Store on left,
Right turn after 200 metres into Mistral Rd for our Morning Tea destination.
Tweed Regional Gallery & Margaret Olley Centre, 2 Mistral Road, South Murwillumbah, is on the Left at the top of hill.
Arrive approx 10.15am (Qld time), and Park under building.
Please leave Gallery no later than 11.15am (Qld time) and drive to our lunch venue.
Exit Gallery car park, Left turn onto Mistral Rd.
At T intersection, Left turn onto Kyogle Rd towards Uki.
Follow for 9km and drive through the quaint township of Uki to our lunch destination, the Mt Warning Hotel, 1497 Kyogle Road, Uki.
Car park for the hotel is on the Left, before the building.
Aim to arrive at the Hotel 11.30am – 11.45am (Qld time).
Participants will order and pay for their own Lunch and beverages
For the Hotel Menu, see
Mount Warning Hotel Menu
To Register Online, click on the Registration button on the left.
Note: When registering your guest, an email address is NOT required.
For more information, contact:
Kathy Poynton
+61 413 838 191