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  • Mid-Week Run Thursday Dohles Rocks Rd Foreshore Park

Mid-Week Run Thursday Dohles Rocks Rd Foreshore Park

  • 12 Aug 2021
  • 10:30 AM (AEST)
  • Dohles Rocks Rd Foreshore Park

Registration is closed

Mid-Week Run

Thursday 12th August

Doyles Rocks, Foreshore Park

Dohles Rocks is an important habitat for shorebirds – birds that live primarily between the land and the sea. During summer, the number of shorebirds in the Moreton Bay area can swell to 50,000. Many of these birds travel between 25,000-60,000 kilometres per year to reach their breeding grounds and their time on the foreshore of the Moreton Bay area is known as their time to regain essential nutrients and weight that they have lost whilst travelling these long distances.

We will be taking in the cooling breezes off the North Pine River. Another location never visited before.

Note: BYO morning tea and picnic lunch with picnic table and chairs.

10:30am: Meet at the Dohles Rocks Rd Foreshore Park, 1002 to 1050 Dohles Rocks Rd, Griffin QLD 4503

 [UBD Map 100 E6] for morning tea and a picnic lunch.

RSVP your interest by Sunday 7 th August with Terry Philip

Ph: 0488 049 497 or

Register via Website:

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Mercedes-Benz Club of Queensland Inc.  |  ABN 28 385 830 513  |  PO Box 362, Spring Hill, QLD 4004

The MBCQ is officially affiliated with the Mercedes-Benz Classic Car Clubs International, a division of 
Mercedes-Benz Classic, Mercedes-Benz Group AG, Stuttgart Germany.

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